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Catfish Investigations For Online Dating Scams And Fraud

This makes classic pyramid or Ponzi schemes an easier sell to investors as people are less likely to view them as “too good to be true”. For example, the legitimate Seele ICO had their Telegram channel hijacked by people posing as admins. Investors were persuaded to pay for tokens before the sale had actually started and the funds were pocketed by the criminals. Other questionable operations include Igot, which later became Bitlio. This exchange appeared to be operated inefficiently as there have been times when it simply can’t pay customers. Indeed, there are so many methods for scammers to choose from, and scams and hacks involving bitcoin and altcoins seem to be constantly in the news.

Irreversible money transfers

EHarmony, the second most popular site, is responsible for about 4% of marriages in the United States. The practice of impersonating Soldiers for financial gain is common. When impostor accounts are identified, it is important to report the accounts to the host platforms. Twitter allows users to create parody, satire, newsfeed, commentary, and fan accounts that mimic organizations if they indicate that they are “unofficial” or “fan” accounts. The most common scheme involves criminals, often from other countries — most notably from West African countries — pretending to be U.S. Soldiers serving in a combat zone or other overseas location.

Business Guidance

The scammer directs the victim to a fraudulent website or application for an investment opportunity. After the victim has invested an initial amount on the platform and sees an alleged profit, the scammers allow the victim to withdraw a small amount of money, further gaining the victim’s trust. The FBI warns of a rising trend in which scammers are defrauding victims via online romance scams, persuading individuals to send money to allegedly invest or trade cryptocurrency. From January 1, 2021 — July 31, 2021, the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center received over 1,800 complaints, related to online romance scams, resulting in losses of approximately $133,400,000. The FBI has put out a warning on “confidence/romance frauds” across online dating sites. American citizens are a loved one place, lonely-hearts are advised never to make public online dating scammers and apps.

Never provide credit card numbers or bank account information without verifying the recipient’s identity. Set up a phone or video chat early on – Make it a point to have a phone conversation or video chat with new contacts early in the relationship. If the person refuses or gives elaborate excuses, it could be a scam. Experts say it’s best never to meet someone in person unless you have first been able to video chat. Keep your profile anonymous – Experts recommend choosing a dating site username thoughtfully, so that it doesn’t reveal too much personal information. Specifically, it’s best not to include a last name, place of work, or any other identifying information either in your profile or when first making contact with another user.

Recognizing Scammers

It is good practice to search sites regularly for impostors. Impostor accounts are violations of terms of use agreements. Most social media platforms have a reporting system that allows users to report an individual who is pretending to be someone else. Such scams, when they involve dating sites, pose a unique challenge in the fight against impostors and identity thieves, because on such sites a dating profile is often required to conduct a search for fake accounts. That makes it difficult for organizations to monitor those sites for impersonators using a Soldier’s or key leaders’ information in a scam. Victims of these “romance scams” report they became involved in an online relationship with someone they believed to be a U.S.

During a romance scam, the suspect might use a fake online identity to gain the victim’s trust and admiration. The scammer will most likely use a dating app or social media site to do this. They look to establish a relationship as quickly as possible with the victim and may even propose marriage or make plans to meet in person, all with the intention of eventually asking for money, the FBI said.

One example given by the is where a fraudster pretends to be a U.S. citizen living abroad who asks for money to come to the U.S. to meet the victim. In 2021, Coloradans reported losing almost $25 million to investment scams, while people who were 60 and older, lost more money to scams than any other age group, according to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center. The Denver Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation warns the public of cryptocurrency scams on the rise with many falling victim to huge financial losses, in a press release. The band receives a 1000% profit, which they use to get bailed out of jail. In addition to the financial cost, many victims also suffer a severe emotional and psychological cost, such as losing their ability to trust people. One man from Cambridgeshire, UK burnt himself to death with petrol after realizing that the $1.2 million “internet lottery” that he had won was actually a scam.


Scammers typically try to find people who seem vulnerable (e.g., widowers or single, older people). Once a scammer makes a connection with a victim, they will request money for an emergency (e.g., a hospital bill) or a circumstantial event (e.g., a plane ticket to come see you). Embassy cannot verify the identity of this individual, because Russia has strict laws protecting the distribution of information about Russian citizens. The embassy has information on foreign citizens only if a person has actually applied for services from the U.S. government. Some situations also see victims convinced to set up a new bank account that is later used to facilitate criminal activities.

But you don’t have to be looking for love to be courted by a romance scammer. Reports of unexpected private messages on social media platforms are common. More than a third of people who said they lost money to an online romance scam in 2021 said it began on Facebook or Instagram. The victims reported collective losses of $50.4 million, which is likely only a fraction of the actual losses since many victims are too embarrassed to file a report, the FBI said. Be wary of anyone claiming to be a deployed soldier – The US Department of Defense has warned about romance scams in which online predators claim to be deployed active-duty soldiers.

About 70% of the victims were female; more than half were women 40 years or older. That’s why Kok called Contact 5, wanting to share his story. Crowetz said consumers need to have their guard up doing anything online these days, especially when it comes to their money. For Kevin Kok in Boynton Beach, cryptocurrency was always a breeze.